You need to be clever to determine ring size without ruining the experience. Dear men, we understand this can’t be easy for you.

When You Want To Propose But Can’t Determine Ring Size

Having never proposed to anyone with a ring, I found this weird – How to find out someone’s ring size without asking them? For this to work, you have to be a little smart, Google a lot and not let your anxiety get the best of you. While we are at it, there was a perfect proposal story shared in Modern Family where Jay proposes to Gloria. The idea was to propose when they were out for dinner. The waiter would ask if they wanted coffee and Jay would decline and say that coffee keeps him up at night and lately he had been loving his dreams (about Gloria). Then Manny, Gloria’s son would hand him a box and he would propose there. Sweet, isn’t it? The plan gets ruined when Manny freaks out and hands the box when they were watching TV at home and Jay asks him to hand over the remote by saying, “Manny, hand me the thing.” Manny jumps the gun and hands the ring box and the proposal story gets kind of wrecked. You see, what is established here is that the act of proposal takes a lot of preparation. You need the right setting if you want to plan the perfect romantic proposal. You also need the right people, and most of all, you need to find the right-sized ring. If it’s too loose, your fiance will be perpetually worried about losing it. If it is too tight, it might not fit at all. In both cases, the perfect feel is ruined. Therefore, you need to figure out how to find out your girlfriend’s ring size subtly. So if you have been spending a lot of time planning the most magical proposal and are out hunting for the right place and an elaborate plan to find the right size, here are some ideas from people who managed to pull it off to the T:

1. Always head to the BFF

“Had one of her closest friends steal one of her rings for me. I bought an engagement ring of the same size. It was the right size.” You can always trust the best friend to know a way!

2. Beer to the rescue

“On several occasions, when we were out drinking, we used to get Tuborg and the cap has a sort of a metal ring attached to it. On several occasions, she used to slip in her ring finger and show off how the beer and she were meant to be together. I used the Tuborg beer ring size and got a perfect match. The jeweler looked at me weirdly, but hey, it was worth it.” This is a funky way to determine ring size, but also quite effective.

3. Impressing her mother worked

“Asked for her mother’s blessings first. My future mother-in-law was ecstatic and offered to get the right ring size. She even accompanied me and helped me choose the ring. My wife does not know about it but damn, she loved the ring.” If you’ve got the approval of the parents, this whole procedure should be a walk in the park for you.

4. Jeweler to the rescue

“I had to send a photo of my girlfriend’s ring finger to a jeweler. They are acclaimed to get the right size of a ring by looking at the photo. I was doubtful but I had no other way. They got it right though. Fit her okay. She was happy.” They are experts in the business and have been making rings for years, there is no one better to go to when you want to chalk out a plan on how to find out someone’s ring size without asking them. This is especially helpful when you’re buying jewelry online.

5. Got it almost right

“I slipped one of her rings on my finger. Talked to the jeweler, and got an approximate ring size. Gladly, it fit her almost right although we later altered it a bit.” This can be risky, but if your sense of estimation is on point, you’ve got the perfect ring.

6. Worth the effort

“I measured it with a string when she was sleeping. Turns out the size of the fingers of your dominant hand is slightly bigger and I took the measurement of the right hand. I learnt about it later. I had to wait for another opportunity to take the correct measurement of the ring finger of her left hand. This time I got it right. The ring slipped on her finger like a warm knife through butter.”

7. Playing it smart

“My girlfriend would take off her rings before stepping into the shower. So one morning, when she had taken it off, I took the ring she wore on her finger, placed it on a piece of paper, traced the inner and outer circle of the ring, and kept the ring back on the counter. I felt really smart about it. And of course, it fit her perfectly.”

8. Jeweler to the rescue again

“She was getting a gemstone ring made. I found out the size from the jeweler without her knowing about it. I had to do some sneaking around, but I needed the perfect ring to surprise her with.”

9. She made it easy for me

“I was breaking my skull open, wondering how to figure out the ring size. Then she made it easy for me. She found open sites of ring size on my laptop. She wrote down her size on the desktop sticky notes. I got her the size and it fit perfectly. She made it so easy for me. We never spoke about it though.”

10. Street shopping to get it right

“Got a spunky ring off the street shop. I had been planning to propose to her and later took that ring for the measurement.”

11. What are friends for?

“I knew the size. I did not know what kind she would like. So I enlisted one of her friends (who got recently engaged) to find the kind she liked. I got a similar one and she loved it.”

12. Asked her outright

“I asked her point-blank. She told me we would go get the ring together. So I proposed to her with wine and got the ring later. She loved the wine and how her proposal story was not clichéd.” Who knows, maybe your girlfriend is not the sappy type and would rather prefer you being straightforward with her.

13. Wild guess that didn’t work

“Took a guess and got one I thought would fit her. I was wrong. But she wore it with yarn tied around it. We got it resized after that.”

14. A considerate girlfriend

“She was considerate. She told me about the rings she liked on Pinterest that had her size listed there. She knew our choices didn’t match, so she did her best to make things easier for me!” So there you have it. If you are planning to pop the big question, now you know how to find out your girlfriend’s ring size by taking inspiration from these men.

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