But how does having a dog affect a couple’s relationship? Does it bring partners together and help them bond better? On the occasion of ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ that falls on June 25, 2021, we find some answers…

What Statistics Say About The Impact of Pets on A Relationship

Did you know that including a dog in your dating profile picture makes you more desirable and increases your chances of finding someone? This was one of the findings of a recent survey conducted by a global pet care provider, Rover.com. The survey also revealed that dogs improve and deepen romantic relationships. Couples who have dogs are generally happier than those that don’t have a pet, says the survey. The survey showed that 71% of people in relationships say they’re more attracted to their partner upon seeing them care for their dog. While 56% respondents said they spent more time as a couple after getting a dog, 86% said they felt more like a family. One in five pet parents said they have stayed in a relationship longer because of their partner’s dog, according to the survey.

How Do Dogs Enhance A Relationship?

Anyone who has ever had a pooch as part of their family knows how these furry babies make your world a better place just by being in it. But their impact on couple dynamics is hardly ever put under the lens. Well, let’s change that by taking a closer look at how dogs enhance a relationship:

1. They bring joy and are great stress-busters

Tana Trivedi, a faculty member at Ahmedabad University, says “We adopted Spike six years ago. My husband, Love, called me at work and told me about the adoption. By the time I was home in the evening, the six-month-old Golden Retriever had become a part of the family! Spike is a sibling to my daughter Kiara and a companion to us. His capacity to give affection and occasional antics make us happy and bring cheer. Especially in the times of the pandemic, we turn to him very often for comfort and cuddles.”

2. They improve communication and understanding

These are two vital ingredients of a successful relationship. Caring for a pet gives you an insight into your partner just like having a baby together would. You find out your partner’s attitude toward discipline, mischief and messiness! Raising a pet together can be a sneak peek into what kind of parents you and your partner would make.

3. They promote teamwork and mutual cooperation

These are essential in a sound and healthy relationship. Caring for a dog brings them into play. Feeding, bathing, grooming and walking a dog may be fun, but they are also responsibilities that have to be shared and taken seriously.

4. They help in family bonding

Bengaluru-based animal lover Meena Rajaram says, “A pet in the house is a very important member of the family. A pet binds us humans together. With their playful ways and the love they exude, they can even mend broken relationships. The stresses and strains between a couple disappear when you see a wagging tail and loving eyes. Dogs are always there for us. Pets are great therapy! Cinnamon, our Labrador, is a gentle giant. He has filled our lives with such happiness.”

5. They make quality time a reality

Away from screens and mobile phones, a couple connects at a deeper level when they take their dog for a walk together. If you have the added benefit of walking your dog in scenic surroundings, you can commune with nature together. What better way to bond?

6. They increase trust and commitment

These are an outcome of sharing a joint, long-term responsibility. In fact, having a pet is often a stepping stone to marriage and having a baby. Many couples say that caring for a dog made them more confident of their parenting skills. All in all, not only do dogs, with their playfulness and love, put you in an upbeat mood, they also strengthen your relationship with your significant other.

Can Having A Dog Enhance Your Relationship  Woof  - 76Can Having A Dog Enhance Your Relationship  Woof  - 20Can Having A Dog Enhance Your Relationship  Woof  - 85Can Having A Dog Enhance Your Relationship  Woof  - 20Can Having A Dog Enhance Your Relationship  Woof  - 85Can Having A Dog Enhance Your Relationship  Woof  - 88Can Having A Dog Enhance Your Relationship  Woof  - 51