Together, they will tell you what your love life looks like every week. Are you compatible with the person you have a crush on? Is a heartbreak on the cards? Or is someone else on the way to make your dreams come true? Come back every Sunday and choose your zodiac sign to read your weekly horoscope for free. In the spirit of Diwali – the festival of lights where good wins over evil and the planets also bring about a transformation, let us look at one thing that will help “enlighten” your week.

1. Aries

The best thing about this week – Romantic connections


You will find a lot of people that you can connect with this week. Your conversations will be effortless and smooth flowing. Make the most of this beautiful opportunity and dive deeper into what you like.


You find that you and your partner are on a better footing. Communication may be easier and you may be on the same page about a lot of things. This could be a good chance to build on your life and chemistry.

2. Taurus

The best thing about this week – Being pampered


People may be giving you a lot of attention and you may even find a particular love interest showering you with a lot of affection. Do not hesitate to receive it and see how it goes from there.


Relax and sit back while your partner spoils you and goes out of their way to make you feel special. Enjoy the attention without any guilt or the need to give back.

3. Gemini

The best thing about this week – Travel or adventure 


A trip or gathering or celebration could lead you on an adventure. Keep your eyes and ears open for someone interesting in the periphery, as this could be the start of something new.


Take this holiday season to travel and spend more quality time with your partner and near and dear ones. This could be a special bonding time that could keep the stress and excessive thoughts at bay.

4. Cancer

The best thing about this week – New opportunities


Something unexpected or random could put you on a new and promising path. Look at the signs from the universe and follow your heart.


There is a whole lot left to explore between you and your partner. You may feel like you know each other very well but certain circumstances will make you see each other in a new light.

5. Leo

The best thing about this week – Reigniting old sparks


A blast from the past or something unresolved could come to the surface. An ex may want to reach out or you may want to reconsider a relationship. Tables are turning, and you can use this as an opportunity to get closure or re-ignite an old connection.


You may be getting a golden opportunity to find each other again. Even when we’re with extraordinary people, we tend to slowly start taking them for granted. This could be a chance to change that.

6. Virgo

The best thing about this week – Epiphanies


For too long, you may have been stuck doing things a particular way. Someone could walk into your life with a fresh, new perspective and that could really help change things for you and maybe between you two too.


The most difficult thing is to change who we are as people even when we know deep down that a small change could do wonders for the relationship. An epiphany will help to make the relationship stronger and better.

7. Libra

The best thing about this week – Fresh experiences


For a while now, you may have held back from trying certain things out of fear of loss or losing control. However, new experiences are coming your way now and it might be a good time to let loose and let life unfold.


The end of an old relationship or pattern is the beginning of something new and better. Do not hesitate just because it is different from what you had expected. The best things happen unexpectedly.

8. Scorpio

The best thing about this week – Truth and clarity


Some situations may have been scaring you for a while. However, it is time for some clarity and to get rid of fears and half-truths that may have held you hostage in the past.


Uncertainty scares everyone. Do not get lost in assumptions and seeing things your way. You will get clarity about the situation and be able to create breakthroughs to lead your relationship to a better outcome.

9. Sagittarius

The best thing about this week – Finding support 


While you figure out the various layers of your relationship, you will still find some stability and support that was previously missing. That could help to ease things for you.


Lean on your partner. And then lean on your partner some more. You do not have to do everything on your own. Find comfort in their attentiveness and support.

10. Capricorn

The best thing about this week – A chance to make changes


You’ve been wanting to stir things up for a while. But, may have been unsure about the right time to do so. Well, the good news is, it is now. Do what you’ve been wanting to and do not listen to people’s opinions.


You are smart enough to know what is not working for you. Do what needs to be done so that things can change and improve. You will have to take the first step, even if it is difficult.

11. Aquarius

The best thing about this week – Quality time


You will get to spend a lot of time with the ones you like. The universe will make things work in your favor so you are where you need to be. The right time and right place will be a thing. Just say yes.


You and your spouse will have a lot of lost time to catch up on this week. There will be a lot that you will be able to share and make beautiful memories out of. Do not miss this opportunity.

12. Pisces

The best thing about this week – Luck


Luck is on your side. Anything you wish for will manifest itself. Be careful what you wish for. Time and tide are working for you. Use it wisely. Do not get embroiled in the past.


Whatever you want is making its way to you this week. Do not take it for granted. Appreciate what you have so that you do not lose your moments. It is a beautiful time to work on these things.

Star Buzz

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