Some guys don’t text back because texting isn’t their preferred form of communication when it comes to having long conversations. He might just ignore your texts when it isn’t convenient for him and come to text you back later, or not at all. On the other hand, he could just not be that into you. Though you can read some of the behavior he shows online to determine exactly why he is ignoring you through text. Which is the reason for your man not texting back? Here are 20 reasons why he doesn’t text back:

1. He is actually busy

When he doesn’t text you back, he might be occupied with something that needs his immediate attention and will get back to you as soon as he can. This might seem like an overused excuse, however, you can vouch that you might have not texted him back either because you were busy. Being busy is not the problem. It is rather the expectation that texting you when you don’t know each other that well, should be his priority. He might not text you back because he does not have access to his phone during working hours, or turned his notifications off to concentrate on his task.

2. He might not be that interested in you

As blatant as it is, his being not that into you and not wanting to invest can be one of the main reasons why he doesn’t text back. If his texts come in rarely, and he makes no attempt to keep the conversation going, then his interest in you might have slightly decreased. Some signs that you should be in pay attention to when he doesn’t text you back are:

Lazy text replies; Dry responses; Lack of curiosity – he doesn’t ask questions; Unenthusiastic to engage in a conversation.

These often indicate that he isn’t texting back at you because he isn’t interested in you.

3. He is waiting for you to take the initiative

If you have rarely taken the initiative to text him first, he might be waiting for you to do it, thus holding back his texts. If he’s always been the one to initiate texting, he might feel that it’s time to allow you to prove that you’re still interested in him. Therefore, you should check your texting frequency, and redefine your expectations. He might have caught on and is simply mirroring your actions of not replying for 24 hours

4. He might be annoyed by your string of texts

Sending marathon texts that might not contain important information might be one of the reasons he doesn’t text you back. Because of this persistence, he might even hesitate to text you back because he knows that once he does, your texts won’t stop coming.  You keep flooding his inbox with texts that sometimes hold him accountable for his texting behavior. That makes you seem clingy or even desperate, which is a turn-off, making him not text you back for a while. Also, a guy doesn’t text you back because you keep sending him “sweet nothings” which are cute when done within limitations but annoying when overused.

5. He doesn’t find the conversation interesting

A guy won’t text you back if your texts were empty and had nothing that kept him interested and engaged. Small talk and banter are something that a guy might not find interesting, thus he didn’t text you back because he had nothing to say. Men are generally more action and goal-oriented and if your texts don’t have a purpose, they won’t text you back. Your text might have been you simply agreeing on something, and he didn’t see a reason to reply to that.

6. He doesn’t want to seem desperate

If he has been the one to always do the texting, with little engagement from you, he won’t text you back because he thinks he’s coming off as desperate. This is something that both you and him might be wanting to avoid, thus contributing to texting less with each other than you priorly intended. As a result, guys don’t text back because they think that if they do so, they will come off as clingy and needy, which is not always the case.

7. He might be emotionally immature

Emotional immaturity will push a guy to play games since he might be afraid of commitment and isn’t looking for anything serious. Those games involve keeping you on the edge by not texting you back. He might be looking forward to just fooling around with you, and rarely engaging in conversations that have content other than sexual. Your availability might be stroking his ego, fueling his belief that he can back at you any time and you’ll let him in. Some behaviors that an emotionally immature man shows are:

Playing mind games; Frequent arguing or leaving mid-argument; Overreact when you call him out on his behavior;

He doesn’t text you back because he knows or hopes that you will settle and accept his behavior without any questioning.

8. He might be chatting with another girl

You might not be the only girl that occupies his time thus why he didn’t text you back. There might be other girls he might be seeing or texting frequently to test his compatibility. He might be busy texting or going on another date and texting you back isn’t on his agenda at the moment. That’s why you should discuss exclusivity when you’re ready to and when you think the relationship has reached that point.

9. You haven’t texted him back for too long, he moved on

A guy sometimes doesn’t text you back because he might feel like you’re playing games with him or hard to get, which he might consider a sign of immaturity. The way you engage with him plays a big part in his response frequency since it indicates your level of interest in him. If you take hours to days to reply to him, he will think that you aren’t interested in him, thus not text you back either. The time you take to text him back affects the communication gap it creates when he doesn’t reply to your texts too, resulting in him moving on. He didn’t text you back because he was mirroring your texting towards him which takes you a long time to get back at him too.

10. He’s taking things slow

Things might have moved way too fast for him and overwhelmed him, which could be why he didn’t text you back. Slowing down is what he intends to do by not texting you back because he isn’t sure of his feelings for you and doesn’t want to rush this. On the other hand, you might have mentioned how this fast-paced progress is making you feel uncomfortable. That could also be what resulted in him taking things slowly by decreasing his response rate. He isn’t texting you back because he doesn’t want to come off too strong and freak you out with his intensive pursuing intentions.

11. He’s trying to gain the upper hand by making you chase him

Avoiding the work he needs to put into a relationship, such as texting, is why he doesn’t text you back. He is trying to trick you into doing most of the work, such as initiating contact or setting up dates while also expecting you to chase him. This will give him the upper hand in your relationship and a bit more power when it comes to controlling your relationship’s direction. The game of not texting you back that he’s pulling is manipulative and strategic, and you should pay attention to his behavior and intentions.

12. People have told him he texts too much

A guy might not text back because he was told from his previous relationships that he texts too much. That is, of course, just a preference, but he might have taken it as very serious feedback and just chose to follow it. This kind of past trauma towards texting should be addressed, but very carefully, if he has ever implicated this experience.

13. His texting skills are just awkward

Not all like texting. Some rather dread it and are awkward whenever they text, thus why he doesn’t text back. He might be great, attentive, and interested when you meet him face to face but come off differently online because he’s just a bad texter. Just because you hold texting in such high regard it doesn’t mean that he does as well. You hold texting in high regard, but he might not. Some guys find texting annoying and impersonal, they prefer calling to texting, thus why they don’t text back.

14. The momentum has passed and it feels awkward to respond now

Your text might have gone unnoticed because he was busy and when he checked it, now it feels strange to answer, thus not texting back. A guy doesn’t text back after he feels that the conversation has lost momentum. It would make things weird if he texted back after such a long period. When the momentum has passed, he might see it unreasonable to text back because the importance of his text has expired.

15. Your texts aren’t fun and have failed to grab his attention

A guy doesn’t text back if you send him boring, 3-word, dry responses. Honestly, there is not much to answer when it comes to those texts. Thus, by sending boring texts, you didn’t manage to hook his attention resulting in him not texting you back. He doesn’t text you back if you won’t incorporate some humor and jokes to share with him, followed by some flirting to spice things up. If you flirt with him through text and ask interesting questions then there’s a high possibility that he will get back at you since you got his attention.

 16. He is overthinking his reply

Insecurities and low self-esteem might be why a guy doesn’t text back. Some guys are just so shy over text, that when they get a text from you, start overthinking and don’t text back at all. He doesn’t text back because he is coming up with a perfect response that might take a longer time than he anticipated. He might feel like you are out of his league and that you’re too good for him, thus avoiding getting his hopes up for nothing. These self-intrusive thoughts, similar to women, are why guys don’t text back even though he might have shown initial interest.

17. He might have withdrawn because you hurt his feelings

Unconscious offending that fails to be pulled forward and discussed is another reason why guys don’t text back. He might have felt hurt and felt like addressing the problem might make him look like less of a man, resulting in him not texting back. Perhaps your questions might have spooked him a little bit, or perhaps you said something inappropriate, even though unintentionally. Either way, something might’ve made him feel uncomfortable and offended hence making him feel the need to withdraw and not text back for a while.

18. He is taking you for granted

A guy won’t text back if he knows that you will be available for him whenever he texts you. You might have put him on a pedestal, shown yourself as too available, or even desperate when it comes to his attention. On the other hand, some people simply don’t take a second to appreciate someone’s presence, taking it for granted. He feels like he can get away with anything. He doesn’t text back. He will choose not to text back because he thinks his behavior is acceptable and doesn’t respect your values as much as you respect his.

19. You made too many questions

Questions are essential to keeping the conversation going. However, overusing them can make him feel like he’s being investigated. That might result in him not texting back. Guys don’t text back if they see that the conversation is just dragging and that it is fruitless and unpurposeful. When possible, try to turn questions into statements, like when you’re asking him out, as it will project certainty and confidence. For example,  “Hey, I and my friends are hanging out at a new bar that just opened. I heard it’s going to be fun. You should come!”

20. He might be conflicted or scared about his feelings

A guy doesn’t text back if he is figuring out his feelings for you and checking over his doubts. He is most likely shy to tell you that he needs space to make sure of his feelings or if he still has some doubts about you, so he just doesn’t text back until he has an answer. He doesn’t want to lead you and give you false hope when he isn’t sure about the direction your relationship should take.

What should I do when a guy doesn’t text back?

The worry as to why he didn’t text back can occupy your mind, thus leading you to wait by the phone for his text to pop up. You should take control over your behavior and take action not to fall prey to unhealthy thoughts since that can negatively impact your self-worth. Here’s what to do when a guy doesn’t text back: – Don’t overreact and don’t overthink it. Overreacting and overthinking will just make you feel less of who you are since the behavior that you are displaying is outside of your character. You don’t want that behavior to become a habit every time he doesn’t text back. It isn’t worth spending too much energy on something you have no control over. – Consider his point of view and don’t jump to conclusions. Stray away from making excuses for him, and don’t jump to conclusions without considering his intake and situation. If you have been together for some time, you should bring up his texting style and what you feel when you don’t get responses from him. – Take some time for yourself instead of waiting by the phone. Do what makes you fulfilled and happy. That will also keep you busy from overthinking why he didn’t text you back yet. If you stay at home and lounge around while waiting for him to get back at you, your mind will start creating different scenarios that might not be beneficial for you. Resulting in decreasing self-esteem.  – Learn to love yourself first. Try to clarify to yourself that your morals and values should be respected. Your joy doesn’t have to depend on him and his preferences, especially not his texting habits. A high-value woman doesn’t settle because she knows she deserves her morals and values to be respected. – Be confident in yourself and in what you have to offer. That will guide you to what you think should be acceptable and what is not. You should be confident in when to let go as there is no time for you to spend with someone who doesn’t value you and thinks you’re not worth it. – Accept that you need to let go. That’s the best option at the moment. You can’t wait for too long for things to change when one chance was already given. It is easier to let go while you are not heavily invested rather than when you already have an established relationship. Don’t be discouraged. Your love manifestation will come along sooner or later. Love, Callisto

Why guys don t text back    20 Reasons Holding Him Back - 19Why guys don t text back    20 Reasons Holding Him Back - 35Why guys don t text back    20 Reasons Holding Him Back - 48Why guys don t text back    20 Reasons Holding Him Back - 60Why guys don t text back    20 Reasons Holding Him Back - 49Why guys don t text back    20 Reasons Holding Him Back - 11Why guys don t text back    20 Reasons Holding Him Back - 79